
ICEC is at a critical stage in assembling the public-private global partnership necessary to have an effective solution for the great disparities in global cancer care. ICEC takes advantage of every opportunity to bring focus to the need to improve global cancer care. ICEC’s Board of Directors, Advisory Board members, staff and other constituents are encouraged through presentations, awards, events and publications to represent the organization’s efforts and the efforts of others who are working as part of the solution. Let us know what contributions you or others are making and we can include them in future “Essential News” Letters.


Dr. C. Norman Coleman receives the Failla Award from the Radiation Research Society at the annual meeting in Kona Hawaii, October 2016.

– Norm Coleman received the Failla Award from the Radiation Research Society at the annual meeting in Kona Hawaii, October 2016. The title of the “Failla Award and Lectureship” presentation was “Radiation Stress Response: Of the People, By the People and For the People.” The presentation described how, throughout his career, his expertise in radiation sciences and cancer care was used for the benefits of humankind in science, government, public service and global cancer care. In September, Dr. Coleman was featured in the Radiation Research Society’s video “Lending a Hand” .
Read about Radiation Research Society’s Failla Award
Watch the video now


Nina Wendling, Chief Operating Officer representing ICEC, participated in the Louisville, KY Ironman on October 9. Competing wearing our ICEC cycling kits, Nina uses these race forums to raise awareness of and garner interest in global cancer care. If you are interested in purchasing a kit, send an email to info@iceccancer.org, and staff will follow up with an order form.
Photo: Norm Coleman, Senior Scientific Advisor to ICEC and Nina Wendling, Chief Operating Officer

Presentations related to ICEC at various meetings

– ASTRO, Global Health, October
– UICC, Paris, October
– CERN hosted, ICEC sponsored workshop for innovative radiation technology, November
– Stanford Medical School – “Addressing the enormous need for global cancer care (and NCDs): From gap to vision to implementation” Revised based on recent events: Using our skills as healthcare providers and scientists to effectively address societal issues. Stanford Med School 228, Physicians and Social Responsibility. November 28, 2016
– IAEA – International Conference on Nuclear Security: Commitments and Actions; Vienna, Dec 5-9. “Security of global nuclear material requires addressing the unacceptable lack of cancer care.


(these publications are since the last Essential News Letter related to ICEC and/or from ICEC members relevant to global health; readers, please provide additional citations)

– An editorial summarizing the Treatment, not Terror concept is in press, Journal of Global Oncology
– Masters of Our Destiny: From Jazz Quartet to Symphony Orchestra. Coleman CN. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2016 Nov 1;96(3):511-3
– Radiotherapy for breast cancer: The predictable consequences of an unmet need. Rodin D, Knaul FM, Lui TY, Gospodarowicz M. Breast. 2016 Oct;29:120-2. doi: 10.1016/j.breast.2016.07.006.
– The power of integration: radiotherapy and global palliative care. Rodin D, Grover S, Elmore SN, Knaul FM, Atun R, Caulley L, Herrera CA, Jones JA, Price AJ, Munshi A, Gandhi AK, Shah C, Gospodarowicz M. Ann Palliat Med. 2016 Jul;5(3):209-17
– Essential medicines for cancer: WHO recommendations and national priorities. Robertson J, Barr R, Shulman LN, Forte GB, Magrini N. Bull World Health Organ. 2016 Oct 1;94(10):735-742.