Organization and Operations

December 2016

The ICEC Central Operations Working Group convenes weekly and consists of Dave Pistenmaa (Executive Secretary), Larry Roth (President), Nina Wendling (Chief Operating Officer), Norm Coleman (Chief Scientific Advisor), Emine Ozbay, David Kramer (Technical Advisor), Harmar Brereton, Nelson Chao and Donna O’Brien.

Our website has fully migrated to hosting by TECHNA and email to 1&1, both housed in North America. We continue the migration of our data to to facilitate efficient business and financial operations. We hired a financial and accounting service – Kathleen M. Flaherty, CPA, and Principal of Matthews, Carter & Boyce – to provide independent audits and accounting and financial oversight.

The “volunteer” staff is providing extensive expertise:  Costing out the hours of volunteerism we have had donated over the first ten months of 2016, using the NIH FTE rate, not necessarily the actual salaries which would be greater, what amounts to approximately $417,000. We have established an award system for donated time on an annual basis. This will be listed on the website in the following categories: Bronze- 50 hours; Silver- 100, Gold- 200, Platinum-300, and Diamond- 400 (or equivalent to >8 hours per week or “20% FTE”. Data reflecting these donated hours will soon be posted on the website, and the final accounting for 2016 will be included in the first Essential News Letter of 2017.