Research-Driven Radiation Oncology: A Narrative on the Ongoing Legacy of Henry S. Kaplan
In this rapidly evolving time of precision medicine and scientifically based cancer care, how radiation oncology became a strong research-based scientific discipline in the United States after its separation from diagnostic radiology might be lost. The importance of generational mentorship, “family trees,” and interpersonal relationships can be difficult or impossible to trace absent personal narrative recollections of those involved. Henry S. Kaplan is a central figure and the focal point for 3 generations of research-based academic department chairs. This report establishes a first draft of a living record of the radiation oncology history of the Kaplan legacy to serve as an example of how knowledge networks grow and flourish and as an impetus for others to trace the legacy of other radiation oncology academic “trees.” Read the full article…
Published by Elsevier Inc.