A Broad Impact for Global Oncology

Global oncology demands attention, with approximately 9 million people dying from cancer annually. It provides an extraordinary opportunity to address the urgent need for cancer care and be a catalyst for solutions to address critical societal issues including the disruptive forces in and among countries involving the health of individuals and the planet, relationships among […]

ICEC’s response to The Lancet, “Offline: Why has global health forgotten cancer?”

ICEC’s response to Richard Horton’s thoughtful commentary, “Offline: Why has global health forgotten cancer?” was published in The Lancet. While prevention is critical, tackling cancer is about much more than just prevention. “The solution to the deficit of global cancer care is a systematic approach to build expertise, capacity, and capability using a sustainable model […]

Developing Innovative, Robust and Affordable Medical Linear Accelerators for Challenging Environments

Motivated by stunning projections regarding the rise of cancer cases globally to 25 million cases in 2035 with 70% of those occurring in low- and middle- income countries, coupled with the paucity of access to radiotherapy treatment – an essential component of curative and palliative care – a group of individuals from the International Cancer […]