The documents below include publicly accessible resources published by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME), the American Board of Radiology (ABR), the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) and the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO).
ABR Clinical Radiation Oncology Content
This document outlines what is included on the ABR clinical radiation oncology exam. It is freely available on the internet.
ABR Clinical Radiation Oncology ContentABR Non-Clinical Skills Syllabus
Included on the ABR clinical radiation oncology exam are non-clinical skills such as statistics, ethics, etc. This document details that material. It is freely available on the internet.
ABR Non-Clinical Skills SyllabusABR Radiobiology Content
The American Board of Radiology (ABR) is the entity that certifies radiation oncologists in the U.S. to practice radiation oncology. To obtain certification from the ABR, residents must take and pass exams in radiation biology, physics, and clinical radiation oncology. This document is an outline of what is included on the radiation biology exam.
ABR Radiobiology ContentACGME Common Program Requirements 2023
ACGME is the body that accredits all training programs in the U.S. The base of this document, generated by the ACGME, governs education of all residents in the U.S. The attached version of the Common Program Requirements contains text specific to the specialty of radiation oncology. It was last updated in 2023, and is public domain, freely available on the internet.
ACGME Common Program Requirements 2023ACGME Common Program Requirements 2023
ACGME Common Program Requirements FAQs
This is produced by ACGME and contains frequently asked questions related to requirements for training in radiation oncology. It is public domain, freely available on the internet.
ACGME Common Program Requirements FAQsACGME Radiation Oncology Milestones
This document, generated by ACGME, used to assess resident competency and ability to enter independent practice. It is public domain, freely available on the internet.
ACGME Radiation Oncology MilestonesA Handbook for the Education of Radiation Therapists (RTTs) IAEA
European Higher Education Area levels 7 and 8 postgraduate benchmarking document for Radiation TherapisTs (RTTs)
AAPM-ASTRO 2023 Physics Curriculum
This publication is referenced by the ABR for content of the physics exam.
AAPM-ASTRO 2023 Physics Curriculum