The International Cancer Expert Corps
remembers Ellen Stovall,
member of the ICEC Board of Directors

It is with great sadness that the International Cancer Expert Corps (ICEC)
joins the cancer care, research and survivorship communities in honoring
Ellen Stovall who passed away January 5th.


Think globally, mentor locally.

ICEC envisions a world in which everyone
has access to intervention that prevents and
treats cancer and its symptoms, using best
practices for providing high-quality services.


Dr. Petereit & Dr. Coleman
at The John T. Vucurevich
Cancer Care Institute


The mission of the International Cancer Expert Corps (ICEC)
is to reduce mortality and improve the quality of life for people with
cancer in low- and middle income countries and regions worldwide.


About ICEC

The World Health Organization global status report (2010) and a related United Nations declaration (2012) brought attention to the rapidly growing burden of non-communicable diseases in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMIC).

Globally, cancer is a growing and progressively urgent problem from medical, health system, business, work force, economic and ethical perspectives. The case burdens are increasing in LMICs and also in rural underserved areas in resource-rich countries, and by various measures outcomes are significantly worse than in high-income countries and regions.

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Make a Donation

ICEC is establishing its initial mentoring relationships among Experts and Associates. In-kind donation of time and support are welcome.

Apply to be designated as an ICEC Hub or Expert, or an ICEC Center or Associate

ICEC Programs and Committees are now underway. Information is posted regarding opportunities and expectations for participation, the application process and other operational information.